After a short trip home, Cam returned me and the kids to our Eastern mountain, and he journeyed back to the coast to continue working on Rudy's place for the duration of the weekend. I felt bad leaving the work crew, but with school starting, I needed to return to the books and try to get a little down time with the kids. Unfortunately they returned home with colds, so I have been putting my nursing skills to good use ever since..around the clock! Cam worked from dawn til dusk cleaning out the house with the help of his family. It's going to require a bit more attention than we had first anticipated, so he will be using my three day weekends to travel back and spend the time working, while me and the little ones hold down the ponderosa. It's hard to complain about the blessing we have been given, but it will definitely take a bit of creative scheduling and some major elbow grease.

Today was back to business for me. The first day of spring quarter. I have to say it felt significantly better than the last two, so I must be getting used to the program... thank God it only took six months! Should be another busy one, but such is our forte! I'm starting to see the opportunities this career will allow, both for my family and for my own personal growth. It's amazing the people you connect with, and the difference you can truly make. It's a good feeling.
Spring is in full swing around here. I never knew it could be so green in the hills around us. It looks like a different world. Lush almost... at least for now. They are already calling for an extremely dry year, so I am trying to enjoy the green as much as possible. I truly look around and am sometimes just in awe of this place we now call home. The sky, the hills, it seems endless, and we get to explore it all from our door, or simply sit and revel in the world we are a part of. I can't wait to live up at our house site where we will have a view of it all. I'm sure our porch will be available for anyone who needs some view/quiet therapy. I'll even make ya dinner!