You would think we had hit an underground oil well... Something that would make us rich as we watched the oil rig methodically pump liquid money out of the depths of the ground; while we sipped home brew on a wrap around porch and used hundred dollar bills for coasters. It's practically the same emotional process for us as... we now OFFICIALLY have running water. After much ado, Cam figured out the correct hookup to run the new pump off our generator (until power gets hooked up). Buying property without a well was a huge gamble over here. Where our old well back home was 20 some feet, this one is 300 and the amount of water we get is no where near the same... but we have water. That alone makes property value spike over here as it is not a given. Like always it has not been a simple process for us, but we made it happen. Daily showers anyone??
This was a good weekend, my folks and brother
made it over for a great visit and a bit of exploring.

Cam, the kids, and I treated ourselves to a night at the hotel as well. It was nice to have some space and a long hot shower. Bear woke up at 5:30 because he was so excited to see everyone. They loved the visit and getting to swim with Pop Pop and Uncle Cam. We took the "backroads" to Palmer Lake and Bonaparte Lake, the latter of which we had a good lunch at. It's fun to share our love for this landscape with others, it's truly a great place for any outdoor adventure. I really did miss my family and it's a bit bittersweet to say goodbye.
My Mom made the kids and everyone "Mummy Dogs" (hot dogs wrapped like mummies) at our property for lunch, and then they were on their way. It turned into a beautiful afternoon and the guys both got haircuts in my outdoor salon, overlooking the valley. We took a hike through our draw and explored a different part of the meadow. It's fun to walk through and envision a herd of our cows, horses, and sheep... and pigs.. :) After we got back the guys started a fire on the landing where our trailer is parked; there is definitely a chill in the air and higher up the valley I saw the first glimpse of snow today.
Team Brown 2014
Our reflections on moving are so far focused on the fact that while things are not exactly easy and "normal" right now, taking the plunge/making a change will reshape our lives. We are insisting on a different way of life, and we are going to make it by the sweat of our brows. Brick By Brick. While it's hard to be away from family and our comfort zone, life is all of a sudden very intentional. Where we had just been going through the motions, every moment seems to matter now. And there is something to say for that.
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