Let my pause for a moment to catch you up on current Team Brown happenings. We are now eating all at a table! Cam built us an awesome "picnic" table. I so enjoy being able to share a meal as a family again, there is just something to say for that. Today he got an outdoor light up, which I'm sure will be nice to have on my early mornings. Currently though, I am taking a brain break from homework, its around 10:30PM and my husband has decided to make himself a hamburger. Anyone who knows anything about Cam knows that heaven for Cam probably looks something like this.... A day of successful deer hunting in the backwoods, hunting coyotes with Dale Jr. on the way to the Daytona 500, where he is proceeded to be fed hand pressed bacon cheeseburgers (by his lovely wife of course--- who else were you imagining). Hey, when you get a craving in your head... you make a hamburger at 10:30.
Meanwhile, the youngest member of Team Brown is sleeping... in her big girl Tinkerbell undies. Kendyl spotted a package of undies I had set away for her the other day, and she was done with diapers.... I mean flat out refused to have one back on her tender buns. So, we are potty training (or being potty trained, I'm not sure). It's a big day for us, because we have been in the diaper game for darn near 4 years. It's a big moment and I'm sure if we had any babysitters within 200 miles we would be celebrating. She is stubborn... Lord only knows where she gets that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another thing..... we figured out this year the true meaning of "spring cleaning." I really always thought it was some 1950's husbands ploy to get his wife to deep clean the house... but no, I'm pretty sure spring cleaning is derived from people who live in areas that actually get a fair amount of snow. See, you can never really predict when that first snow is going to come, so you forget to clean up your yard/property, and then the snow comes.... and in places that get real winters it never goes away until spring. So, when the thaw comes it's like Christmas, you find that pitchfork you've been searching for, any construction garbage that flew around in a storm and got buried, and about three months worth of dog residue.... Hence the Spring Clean. It all makes sense now.
After we spent yesterday afternoon spring cleaning, Cam took a dump run this morning while I was being potty trained, I mean potty training. We had a rather uneventful morning, but got to stretch our legs on a little hike around the property this afternoon. It's been some time since we could really do our loop, and it was nice! Bear is quite the character hiking around. He really launches himself Up and Down the hills. He likes to tell us he's going to stay behind and then stalk us by running from tree to tree or army rolling down the hills. Kendyl likes to find whatever snow patch she can and eat a handful, and she definitely likes to stop and smell the pinecones (she may be the world's slowest hiker, but maybe she's just light years ahead us in nature appreciation). Cam figures the bears are probably getting ready to wake up, and we noticed quite a few small buds on the bushes down in the
canyon. Like I said... hope. Time to dust of the running shoes......
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