It has been a good day for Team Brown. Filled with real world science, adventure, and family time. Just a sneak peak into our day.... 1st bear sighting of the year, an alkaline lake with Caribbean like water, baby turtles the size of quarters, A SNAKE, and thunderstorms..... continue reading if this trailer peaked your interest.
This past week I finished my last clinical at the hospital here in town. I ended on a good note and feel like I have really grown as a nurse this quarter. It's so nice to be out of the classroom and caring for real people; these are the days that drive and motivate me. I have had so many amazing conversations, and hopefully have had a positive impact on those around me; it's inspiring to hear patient's powerful stories, and I have been so lucky to care for the people I have. This side of nursing is what I love, really connecting and feeling like you are making a difference.
Friday Cam picked up another work day with our shop contractor. It sounds like his business is picking up and he wants Cam to help him along. It works out well because he is able to just pick up projects here and there, make good money, and work around school. Everyone says work is tough to find around here, but what we are finding is, there is plenty if you want it and are motivated. Cam has also been continuing on with our house plans, and we have it narrowed down----somewhat. I can't wait! Shop life is treating us well, but we are ready for that house on the hill.
Coop Invader! |
Saturday was spent around the house, and then up at the Lake above our house. The kids had a great day playing with the neighbor kids, and we all went swimming in the lake. We are so lucky to have nature's playground in our backyard. It's a secluded mountain lake, that is still, peaceful, and without disturbance from the outside world. Very few locals visit, even though it is public, and our neighbor's folks have a GORGEOUS house right on it's banks. As we sat drying off on their porch, I just thought to myself... it can't get much better than this; this is a picture of summertime fun and happiness.
Did I mention it's already roasting over here?! When I came home from my run this morning it was already pushing 70 something (I left the house around 6:15). It's glorious; the days maintain in the 80's and the nights cool off for pleasant sleeping. I am getting a nice natural glow and the kids have already been in the sprinkler and kiddy pool. I could get used to this life I tell you!
Example of a Cinnamon Black Bear |
Today we set out on a bit of an adventure... TUNE IN FOLKS THIS IS WHERE IT GETS GOOD.
We've been hearing local legend about a secluded lake near us that is crystal clear, and blue like the seas of the Caribbean. Where locals go to catch mammoth cutthroat (I know I have Jeremy's attention) and jump off the cliffsides, and where even on Memorial Day weekend, the shores would remain empty of "coastie" tourists. We hit town for some ice for our cooler and a few snacks and set out. Barrett was just about done telling us how we'd been in the truck all day long and wondering where we were going for about the 1,000th time, when Cam hits the brakes, and says the magical words, "there's a bear." We've been waiting for the first bear of the year, for well, way before the beginning of the year! He was about 100 yards out, and Cam figured around 200lbs, a shining cinnamon beauty. He noticed us right away as well and changed his trajectory and started to head back towards the hills. The kids locked on and we all watched for a bit as he stood up on his back legs to get a whiff of us. Bears are really fun to watch. They are so massive, yet so nimble and slight when moving. As we got our fill, he high tailed it back to the wilderness, leaving our smiles far behind.
Bear.... Check!
The lake did not disappoint..... I regret to say I have no pictures; some days are just better sans technology and with my focus remaining on the rugrats at hand. The water was like a blue crystal, so seemingly out of place in Eastern Washington (although there are several alkaline lakes) and there were a total of 2 other people to be seen. We found a nice "beach" area and set up our blankets, got bathing suits on, and slathered on the sunscreen. The kids headed to the water and I headed back to the truck to grab my book. Meandering down the trail back to the family, my mind was daydreaming about a kayak to explore all these little lakes we have in our area, man I was putting it on my Craiglist priority list when.... FLASH out of the corner or my eye, double take, adrenaline rush... SNAKE! I swore it jumped at me, but nevertheless, it was a brown and black good sized snake, 50-50 chance of being a rattler, within 6 feet of me. Cooling off in the water was, what we would soon know, just a bull snake (these snakes look just like the rattlers around here, they get big, but are generally harmless and are actually known to eat rattlers--score one for bull snakes-- and us). There is nothing like that predatory-prey rush you get in the wild. Obviously we are pretty conscious of the fact snakes inhabit this new world we live in, but just like the flushing of a grouse, the split second sighting of these animals, dead or alive, gets your heart beating just the same. We let the kids check it out from a distance and gave the kids the "snake lecture," AGAIN.
Snake... Check!

Turtles, Bugs, Storm... check
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The rest of the afternoon we spent storm watching. We had quite the system roll over our place. One of Cam and my frequent discussions is the Doppler on his cell phone.... He loves tracking weather on it, and I'm more apt to just look outside. Yin and Yang don't you know, it takes finesse as my grandma would say. Anyway, according to the doppler AND the black skies, and rumbling thunder, a storm was upon us. We of course took the kids out and listened to it roll and watched the skies change. We both love a good storm, and the kids didn't seem to mind. It rolled past us and we were able to do our usual hike after a fine dinner of waffles and EPIC homemade strawberry jam (nothing better).
Days like this make it hard to sit up doing homework when all I am thinking about is ways to continue to foster adventure and curiosity in our kids; ways to make learning real and fun; creating confidence and common sense. More animals, more experiences, more time home, more real living world. But, unless I strike it big in blog world... I better keep studying.
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