Last Wednesday was quite a milestone. Barrett's first day of preschool (which really should be phrased Barrett and Family's 1st day of preschool)! I shall preface this article by stating that we all survived with minimal tears shed, no dramatic scenes, and have since attended day 2 of preschool, with day three coming up tomorrow. Who would have known what a decision preschool would be... Should he go? Is it really necessary? Where should he go? What sort of bad habits could preschoolers possibly inflict upon our pure 4 year old (not to mention the cesspool of germs)? Is it
normal to leave small children with complete strangers and not insist on some sort of web-cam or GPS so you can monitor the goings on during the two eternal hours he's there to ensure no foul play? And when foul play occurs, is it normal to envision the scientific torture you will inflict upon the abusers? Preschool people... it's apparently a big deal.
The Schooling of the Home |
While we are still thinking of homeschooling if possible, we decided, after the aforementioned contemplation, to enroll Bear in preschool for several reasons. My biggest kicker was that it's only two days a week for two and a half hours a shot... NOT THAT BAD; let's face it, I already have a hard time leaving the kids for my own schooling, we certainly don't need to extend the torture. Number 2 I had a solid recommendation of place and teacher from a classmate of mine; solid gold when you are a newby in town! Furthermore, we do believe that some time out of the wilderness will be beneficial; a HUGE emphasis on SOME, minimal, eensy weensy time. While I do not subscribe to the one standard fits all for ALL children, and I am a huge proponent of the
authority of GOOD parents over their children (as in I'm the expert of my child--not the doctor or the government), there are areas that we have been working on with Barrett to progress in, the primary of these being his speech. We would obviously like to equip our children with the tools they need to operate in the world around them. And, while the Mama Bear in me is alive and well and able to deal with adversity, I'd like the kids to gain confidence without Mom. Speech is something that allows not only communication, but also friendship, expression, imagination, fun, and closeness; all skills I would like my children to feel "successful" at, while at this age where they are growing, exploring life, and building confidence. While he converses quite readily at home, we have been well trained to understand the nuances of his language, and hopefully a bit more social interaction (with outsiders) will broaden his audience. And finally... a bit of alone time is another reason I really considered preschool for Bear. With me so busy with school, it is rare that the kids have time apart, and let's face it, we all need a bit of alone time every once in a while. I absolutely love the relationship the kids have MOST of the time; but it is important to have a bit of distance to determine one's own identity... without arguing about who's looking out who's window or entrapping the wee one with spidey webs.

Many would say social skills are the biggest reason for preschool, but I think Cam and I would both agree that modern social skills are a thing to be feared rather than appreciated. As I watched Bear navigate the first day drop off, I was pleased with his caution and manners. While most showed no regard to the
hierarchy of the sink for hand washing, he was fine waiting his turn. Now, let's talk about the climax of starting preschool... THE FIRST DROPOFF. Cam and I have both been talking up preschool pretty well for the last oh... month or so. Our kids have been home with me, and now Cam for most of their life, and if not with us, Grandparents have been the go to. Cousins next. They have stayed with less than a half a handful of people that are not family. We are
constantly around people, but they are supervised primarily by us. I won't get into the goods of that, but the downside is they are probably less ok with change than a child who gets a bit more variety. So dropoff was crucial. I took Bear to check out his school a few weeks ago, and while he enjoyed the 1 on 1 time and the playground, he promptly told me that if I left him at that place he would most definitely "run away." Yikes, not words to elicit confidence from Mom. Needless to say, he did really well at dropoff, despite telling us later about a few "secret tears" he had after I left because he was nervous. I wanted to tell him I had a few secret tears while waiting in the parking lot expecting him to jump the fence, but we just went to Dairy Queen instead. Day One=Success
Since he has begun, Cam and I have had some funny conversations. Does Bear have the street smarts to survive the gauntlet? Cam won't stand for him to be picked on... will he know what to do if he is?! How is a parent supposed to deal?! While Cam and I are firmly grounded in the strength of our family, there are always questions, parent guilt, worries, and sleepless nights. There is always the next challenge ready to take on whatever progress you think you have made. As Cam always says "unfortunately individual kids DON'T come with owners manuals that tell you exactly how to get the best food to energy ratio, or detail troubleshooting steps." It's more of a fly by the seat of your pants sort of operation, even though I'm so convinced that you are right... you're child is perfect; I don't believe or expect our children or parenting to be. We're in this journey together! Bottom line is, jury is still out on preschool... Bear is impressed with the fish tank, the playground, and the fact he got a new spiderman lunch box. We are impressed he hasn't come home bruised, knowing a swear word, or shunned us all for the cool kids.

Meanwhile, on the farm... Fences! My husband must love me or something, because he continues to put up fences for me and the chickens, pigs, sheep, goats, don't forget the turkeys, exotic chickens, bunnies, etc... Cam is not only continually calling me the reincarnation of Noah.... but also (lovingly of course) refers to me often as the fencing Nazi due to the precision with which I like my wires to be strung, and posts to be pounded. Goats, this time my friends, we shall add to our collection and Cam has crafted a wonderful field fence goat pen strategically located around the chicken pen to take advantage of pricey fencing. And let me say, it's a good looking fence... tight and straight as an arrow. Both Cam's dad and my cousin got roped in to this project, and I tell you, they did mighty fine work. Just a warning... if you ever think about visiting please come with a typed list of skills so we can best fit you to the proper chore we have going on... Plumbers and electricians are always appreciated. But, I digress... So the boys got the post work done today, and after my cousin headed out Cam, myself, and the new tractor got the fencing hung. All that's left is a gate, fasteners, and a shed! I'm already having visions of goat cheese and handmade soap.
It's game time around here folks... the weather is changing, Bear's in school, I'm heading back to school this coming Monday (insert dread now), house plans have been submitted to the building department, and I seriously need to figure out what kind of goats I want! Stay tuned.
Kendyl agrees with Ben Franklin "Well Done is Far Better Than Well Said."
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