I'm not sure how this blog thing comes off at times. I tell Cam all the time how hard it is to write about yourself, but I try to think of it as more of a family record; a tale of our journeys and a record to
someday look back upon. When there are pauses, it's usually because I am either busy with school and looking at my computer for one more second is second only to imprisonment... or I'm thinking on things a bit myself.

As always, things around here seem to be eventful....to say the least. There has been plenty of forward momentum. On my own personal front, I passed by state board LPN test. While only a stepping stone to my goal, it was a hard won accomplishment, and while the day passed somewhat uneventful, it was large in my own personal scope. I began my schooling for nursing in 2009 after meeting Cam and deciding that I needed a career of my own. I have taken classes through two pregnancies (morning sickness through chemistry is not fun), the building of our first house, and the raising and moving of our family. I will be the first to say that I don't always handle the stress well, but I also know that I strive for a level of results that I know I can produce, even amongst many other responsibilities for which I feel the same. My studies occur from the hours of kids bedtime to whenever I can keep my eyes open, and sometimes seem quite irrelevant to the life we are living and creating. Nevertheless, being an OFFICIAL NURSE has it's glory in my heart---- I have something to show for all this work, I have a good career waiting for me and my family, and I stuck it out despite wanting to quit so many times I can't count. I feel like not only myself should be given these credentials, but Cam should have a new title too.... like Spouse of Nursing Student Survivor (there should really be a support group). I often think that I might have thrown in the towel, had I not had three people that I'm willing to work so hard for. Anyway... that's my own little horn tooting; and I still have MANY tests to go.

On my husband's side of this operation---- He
not only got the revisions on our house plans done, submitted, and approved by the county, but he poured our foundation!!!! Building a house is a bit of an undertaking, and I know I just take for granted the fact that my husband can do most anything, but it is sort of a big deal. Around here you are constantly racing the seasons, there are brief windows of prime times to do most anything outside, and we are on the brink of winter, with snow already in the mountains and the snow levels dropping everyday. Not only that, but we also have to work around my school schedule and two kiddos that still need plenty of attention. Nevertheless, Cam is moving right along, and has a few tricks up his sleeve to possibly extend our building season should the weather not get too cold. Watching your home raise up is a very cool feeling. Even standing up there by the foundation is exciting; looking out over our view we just feel like we are in heaven. I love windows and being able to see around me, that is one area I struggle with living in the shop... but up there on the hill, being able to watch the world around me, I wouldn't trade it for anything. That front porch will be a popular place in a year or so. Next on his project list is pouring the stem walls, and then on to lumber. I'm pretty lucky to have a man with skills!

Besides adding to our structures, we have also added to our animals. I got a horse! A paint mare I found from a gal in Omak. I'd been looking on Craigslist, the rest of the internet, and the local ads, pretty hard for a while now, and found a fairly good deal close by. After our Anniversary passed by with the flames of the fire, Cam told me one night that I should just find a horse to celebrate our 5th year. I acted quick before he could change his mind! Kit is what we have shortened her name to, and the kids and I are head over heals in cowboy love. I've done a bit of riding around here, but she's been pretty spooked after moving to a new place and being away from other horses... I also think she spent most of her time in an arena, so the real world is a whole new adventure. My neighbor though has been down to help out a bit and offered the chance for me to ride along with her and some other folks to move cows. REALLY! I told Cam I thought it would take me a couple years to break into the cattle drive circuit around here, so I just about did a happy dance after she asked. Her and I rode out our driveway (a mile and a quarter) to trailer out a few miles up the road. We moved some stray cows out of the field and up the road to meet up with the rest of the herd. Mind you, this is some of the finest and most beautiful cattle country around... I honestly thought I might have died and gone to heaven. There, we separated the cows that have yet to be "worked" (given their immunizations and the like) and brought them through the shoot. I had no problem getting right in there, and enjoyed meeting the old rancher and his crew. They had some good horses, and were very nice folks. After a couple hours of working cows, we pushed them back down the road with our horses, and Diane and I set off on a trail ride all the way home. We traveled over this ranchers land, and it allowed for a straight shot to our place, and a view of some prime country. Saw a huge buck, and a couple old homesteads. Kit did better than I expected around all the craziness of the cows, but I fear she's a bit of a sassy ol city horse, so we will see. As my neighbor says... "life's too short to ride a bad horse," and should I need to hire out, I think I'll need a mountain horse. If I ever had a bucket
The Littlest Cowgirl |
list... I would say I could cross driving cows off my list and put it right back on to be sure I did it again. There was something amazing about the day, like sitting in my great-grandma's saddle, life had just come full circle right back to where it was supposed to be.

The excitement of the weekend did not stop there. Cam had been itching to get back up to the woods, so we took off after the kids woke up this morning. We headed up the wilderness valley where we live, and to an area we have traveled around before. Cam has an elk tag, so that was still on our radar, and I had my shotgun for grouse should we see some. We hiked up several different areas, coming back to the truck for snacks and cocoa as needed. I can't say we've ever had a bad time in the mountains, and this was no exception. Nevertheless, little legs can't go quite as far as Cam and my eyes travel, so we have to remind ourselves of that quite often. We saw good sign most everywhere we went, heard one very suspicious noise, which we still haven't quite identified, and explored a few new roads. Driving down one, I even got a crack at a grouse. Cam still reminds me that the first grouse I shot I blew to pieces, so I try to be a bit more careful of my aim, and this was a good shot. I always tell Cam hunting like this is a bit like a drive by shooting, but it put grouse nuggets in the kids' bellies tonight, so I'd say that it was successful.
When I look at this weekend, I know we are on the right track. There are weekends and days that are not quite as glorious as this one was, but the struggle is what is making these fun times happen, and making them so sweet! Me and the kids recently got a chance to go home for Halloween, and we had just a blast seeing everyone. The kids played so well with their cousins, and had some very sweet moments. I see all us cousins making our own way in the world, and it's very cool. I'm so proud of them all and the way they are creating their own stories, and building their own families. I miss being a part of them all at times, but I know they feel the same about us as well, and understand our desire to be here; and I like standing out here on our own accord. Today we also found out that Cam's Grandpa Art passed away peacefully in his sleep last night. It's hard to not be home in times when family usually comes together. He was a good guy and we are happy that he did not suffer, and will hope that Honey is ok in his absence. We often forget how precious life is, it's best to make the most of it.
I love me some Browns!! <3