Monday, April 27, 2015

Snakes, Tics, and Cremation

Morning View From our Bedroom Window
I know I have been exalting the beauty of spring around here... and believe me, I could go on for posts and posts about it without giving it due diligence... Seeing the seasons change is such a magical, soul filling experience, and I know because it's our first year here, we are especially tuned in to the nuances of the world around us.  We noticed the leaves begin to arrive, the weird dark buds that appeared on the sage brush, the unique sound of the sand hill cranes flying so high above us, and the smell of the sun baked pine needles... aaahhhhh makes you smile right?!  But there is a bit of an interesting side to all this beauty.  As the snow melts, the creatures awaken to, like us, turn their faces to the sun and revel in the fact they made it through another winter, to a time and place of abundance.

I'm talking about snakes, tics, bears... a not so friendly crew really.  

In the same week, we saw both our first snake (not a rattler), and discovered our first tic (on the dog!) and Riggs found another cougar skull.  I have yet to spot my elusive bear, but I know one of these days, we will have our moment of reckoning.  Growing up near a river, the threat of cougars was something we thought of while riding horses or running, but we could generally spend our days outside without a worry in the world.  Living around here requires a bit more spatial awareness.  Am I scared?  Heck No... as my husband would tell you God gave us thumbs (and trigger fingers) for a reason.  Nevertheless, there is a bit more focus on the task at hand when sharing space with those who's predatory instincts far surpass the great white hunter.  We have purchased snake bite kits for all quads and vehicles, and we are,  as of now on the lookout for tics on our person or the animals.  We have instructed the kids on not touching snakes, or sticking hands in holes in the ground.  Ridgebacks are supposed to be flea and tic resistant, which is quite serendipitous.   As far as the lions and tigers and bears.... I'm happy to observe from afar with wide eyed wonder.  I'm a good neighbor (I definitely prefer animal ones), I don't mind sharing this space.... just don't eat my animals, or else!

If My Shop Burned Down, This is What I'd Save
Our chicks have been quite the attention grabbers around the old ponderosa.  I once told Cam let's make the inside of our house extremely boring, so our kids never want to be in there.... he must have made the chicken coop really interesting, because the kids seem to be in there non stop.  The coop is extremely cute, but we may just have a couple ranchers on our hands yet!  It seems though, when you order chicks in the mail, you are guaranteed to lose a couple of birds. Facing the perils of the trip... Flying from Iowa at only a day old, with some green electrolyte goo they put on the bottom of the cramped box, usually means you will say goodbye to a handful.  Seems logical to you or me, but to a 2 and 4 year old, let's just say it makes for an interesting afternoon.  As the kids get older, this part of animal raising is important, and teaches them compassion just as much as caring for the more upright chickies does.  Anyway, we lost a couple chicks, and Bear looks at me and does one of his thoughtful looks and says... "they die?"  The kid is completely aware that a while back we did in fact eat his piggies, but you never know quite how these situations will go, or what sort of counseling you could be setting yourself up for 15 years down the line.  So, I say yes Bear, they die, tell him what probably happened, and that it's ok, but it's an unfortunate loss.  "Sorry chickies" he says as we placed them back in their box.  "Sorry."  Compassion AND a sense responsibility for the lives of our animals... I like that!  I didn't want to just chuck the things in the garbage in front of the kids, so we gave them a proper cremation... a Nordic sendoff right on top of the bonfire. 

On a brighter note... it's fishing season!  I believe my husband has caught the bug, so to speak.  We took a drive up to Fish Lake (about 15-20mins from our house in the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area farther up Pine Creek Rd.) and took the kids and dogs for an after dinner walk.  We spent some of our property hunting time camped out in that area, and man it is something.  It's this valley sunk between the hills that hold clear lakes and cattle country, as well as some of the area Cam has spent hunting these last few winters. The lake is supposed to be full of beauties too, so we will be headed to get our licenses soon.  I'm excited for some family time on the lake, and fish tacos don't sound half bad for dinner.  Bonus! 

Cam spent another weekend over on the coast, working hard with my cousin on the house over there.  We are very grateful for his help, and he is going to continue to do some work for us, which is such an amazing blessing, and will hopefully mean we can take this coming weekend off... FISHING REMEMBER???  Sorry that you cant join us for that Marcus, we love you!  Cal and Dottie came and spent the weekend here, and although I'm not the best hostess at the moment, it was sure nice to have them, and nice to have the company.  Cal got a chance to ride his quad and we all enjoyed stretching our legs.  Monday morning though and it's back at it for me, and I am beat!  This week I also begin an online homeschooling course that I found from a homesteaders blog I follow.  I'm excited to learn a little bit more and get inspired with new ideas.  There's no timeline on it, so I can listen to it as I please.  I'm becoming excited with the potential of shaping this part of the kids lives, and my mind is spinning with ideas.  It will fit well with the family sufficient life we are trying to create for our kids.  Learning as we go, and working toward something together and giving our children skills: wonder, independence, drive, and confidence.
Education is the Kindling of a Flame, not the Filling of the Vessel.  --Socra


Monday, April 20, 2015


Johnny Appleseed

 Right now it seems we live for little moments we can steal from the tornado of busyness around us.  While we moved here to find a solace that didn't exist in our life on the coast, we have yet to find ourselves sitting on the front porch watching the cows come home.  That being said... the moments we do find, have surpassed our expectations of Eastern Washington life, and get us through the long weeks we do have. This will be a life that our kids will hopefully flourish in, where running free is the norm, and they will be able to explore as far as their legs will take them.

View From Beneath our Wild Plum Tree

We had another productive weekend working back in Ferndale; it's a bit of a grind, but it's getting there, and man I have to say things are really shaping up.  The place is looking good, and my cousin will be working out there this week, so we will be lightyears ahead when Cam returns this coming weekend.  He's hoping it will only be two or three more weekends, and then the commute over the hump will be done.  It's nice to get to see everyone over there.  Kendyl really latched on to my Grandma, which really filled my heart, and we even were blessed with her fried chicken, which is equivalent to winning the lottery if anyone has ever tasted it.  Better than the lottery.... like hoard in your purse on July 4th sort of good (you all know what I'm talking about).   We were able to spend some time with more cousins and had a great time!  I'm proud to see these guys and the people they are. 

Chicken Farmers
Sunday, it was back over the pass, dinner in Winthrop, and back to the ranch.  I was up at 5 to do some last minute studying for my test today, which went well thank God.  Then, just when I needed a pick me up, a call from the post office... CHICKS ARE IN!  28 little balls of homestead happiness.  I like to order online so I can get just what I want from hatcheries I like, and it's fun heading to the post office and hearing their chirps.  The kids were so excited too, and I was probably enough for all of us... I can't help it, I like my chickens!  So we got them home, Bear got out his wheelbarrow and helped me haul some sawdust from our wood pile, and we got them all settled in.  He kept telling them happy birthday and as carefully as a 4 year old can do, helped me dip their beaks in water to get them going.  Awesome moments!

The weather was gorgeous today, it was warm, and just perfect.  Once we got the chicks situated, me and the kiddos set out on a walk with the dogs, while Cam worked on the coop exterior (I'm waiting until it's completely finished to send pictures because it's so darn cool).  The kids are getting strong legs with all the hills we have, and they can make it quite a ways.  We're still waiting to see our first bear of the season on the property, and I know it will be something when we do.  We stopped for a rest under the shade of our plum tree, and headed back to check on the chicks (Bear is really worried that he is not sleeping out there with them).  We took the Jeep down to the meadow for a scrap lumber run, had some dinner, and set out for another walk around the property/puppy & kid wear out session.

Spring I have to say has taken me by surprise, and completely swept me away.  Our meadows are lush, and hillsides are green with a yellow accent from all the wildflowers.  And the smell!!!  It's like fresh cut grass, mixed with Eastern Washington sage and pine trees... it's amazing.  It's the complete sensory experience right now.  When on our excursions, we watch the kids and tell them how lucky they are!  It's hard to not feel like I am missing out on moments with them with school being so intense, but there are times when I can see our end goal so clearly.... a welcoming cabin, pastures, animals, time to spend together, and an adventurous childhood for our little ones.   The moments are there... They are what we live for!      

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Work Work All Week Long

Poor little Vera has quickly learned that she has been relocated into something that resembles a tornado.  I've always believed that raising a dog is a lot like raising a kid.... the key is to get them outside and wear them out!  Good behavior stems directly from fresh air and tired legs.  That being said, what a sweet little pup she is.... Bear and her have such a special little bond, and I foresee many adventures in their future.  They have so much fun running around the property together and Bear's laugh is evidence of the joy she brings him... it's a magical age to have a pup of your own, and it's quite the event to watch. 

Cam spent the past weekend working at the "other house" on the coast.  He is really cooking along with this project, and although it's tough on our schedule and being apart, the end is really in sight!  It's so nice having a man that can do it all; what a dying trait self sufficiency is, and I'm proud that that will be passed on to our children, and lucky that it exists in my life (we all know that I always have some sort of project that needs to be built).  We are really working our tails off right now... but there is something to say for it, something that feels good.

View From My Morning Commute to School
My parents took pity on me and made the trek over the mountains (North Cascade pass is open now so that is a plus), and spent the weekend with me and the kids.  It was fun!  After a short time at school on Friday, it was weekend time.  We took a few hikes around the property, and up to the lake
near our house.  We discovered a turtle shell (with dead turtle-yuck) up there, enjoyed the peaceful scenery, and had plenty of laughs over the kids antics.  We drove the back roads up to Conconully, a cute little town tucked into the hills, and went out for lunch!  We reveled in the views of spring...and the peace of the quiet around here.  It was nice to have the company, a chance to get caught up on some work, and someone to share our lookout with.  It was a good weekend!

Nevertheless, it was nice to have my husband back on Sunday.  We had a nice dinner then hit the quads for a little scenery therapy.  We are still finding new areas to explore around here, and it's a great way to clear the mind.  With clear minds we headed right into this week.  I have a bit of a long one and there never seems to be enough time.  Monday we were able to do a bit of work on the chicken coop in preparation for chick delivery next Monday.  The kids thought it was their lucky day when I let them help me paint the coop floor.  Toddlers + barn red  "real paint" = what was I thinking?!  Actually, besides Kendyl's desire to paint one square foot over and over, it went pretty well; they had fun, and there is no way that one square foot will EVER rot!  No matter how much we having going on in the course of a week, these are the projects we sure have fun doing.

This is a long week for me and we will be leaving after my 12 hour clinical day Thursday to head back to the coast.  I'm fairly exhausted, I'm not going to lie, and I'm sure Cam is worn down as well, but we seem to still be upright and functioning, and I'm happy we are partners in all this!  Today after school we took the evening off and took a drive up to Lake Chopaka, a destination we weren't able to get to about a month ago, due to snow.  It's up near the town of Loomis, and is a high mountain lake that is fairly secluded.  WOW! 

Talk about peaceful beauty... there is a few simple campsites on the lake (uninhabited at this time of course), but other than that you would think you were the only person that existed.. there are really no signs of civilization.  The lake is open to fly fishing only, and we saw a ton of beautiful rainbow trout (or fish sticks as I like to call them).  The mule deer were frolicking near by, and we watched an eagle dive bomb a group of ducks.... it's the discovery channel in true HD around here people!  Bear of course could not resist the call of the water and was soon down to his undies and was channeling his inner Native American fisherman and trying to catch trout with his bare hands... mind you, we were all still bundled up on the shore!  We packed our little barbeque up and had dinner by the lake, and Bear was quite disappointed to find that we weren't camping out for the night.  The country around here is just full of solitude and forgotten, hidden gems, should you choose to venture out.  

It's nice to have these outings to break up the constant madness we find ourselves in... to take a deep breath and enjoy this experience and remember why we are here.  I wish we had time for more of these moments......or to sleep for about 3 days straight....  I keep reminding myself that achieving a goal comes at the cost of your sweat, and is a challenge of your grit.... and that challenging yourself is usually more valuable than you expected. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Puppy Breath

We had a joyous ending to a not so fun weekend... A new member has been entered our family... Vera, an eight week old Rhodesian Ridgeback, and boy she has made quite the splash......................

We left the hills last Thursday after my hospital orientation here in town, headed back to the coast to continue work on Rudy's place.  We arrived at Cal and Dottie's with our trailer, late.  The night was cut short with Kendyl awakening with a burning fever; she had been fighting a cold for the week, but I had been taking care of her at home in an attempt to avoid the doctor.  It must have got the best of her though, as she spent several days acting quite the opposite of her norm.  I was lucky that my mom got us an appointment with our childhood doctor and he was able to take a look at her.  Nothing serious, just an infection, that thank God she has the upperhand on now!  She's such a force, it was hard to see her down and out; luckily our kids have so far avoided any serious sickness, so we would just as soon continue down that same road.

While me and "B" were at the doc's office, Cam dug right in to his project.  It's amazing how much he has gotten done already.  We are constantly amazed by the support system we have and certainly could not get so far without the help of our family and friends.  So far the outbuildings are cleaned out, mobile floor is fixed, carpet's ripped up, walls are taped, and a couple rooms are painted.  Moving right along, and looking a whole lot improved!  As I mentioned, he will be traveling back and forth on the weekends while me and the kids hold down the ponderosa over here.  If only it were an HGTV show that we could just fast forward and see the before and after pictures.....

Kendyl unfortunately missed out on the Easter Egg hunt with my family.  Bear had a great time with the kids and it was nice to see everyone if only for a short time, these weekends never seem to go quite as planned, and always fly by.  Cam took pity on me and agreed to go home a day early as I had not gotten any school work done, and we thought the kids could benefit from being back in their own beds on a bit of a schedule.  So, we set our departure date for Monday.

Monday morning though, we had puppy pickup planned out.  I have been looking for quite some time for a female pup, and as I have mentioned even started to look in South Africa, where these dogs originate.  Granite Falls was where we ended up finding this litter, and Cam went and picked Vera up before we gathered the kids to head East.  We were very impressed with the breeding male and female, they were gorgeous, athletic dogs, and our little one is quite a cutie I have to say.  I'm fairly certain it was love at first sight for her and Bear.  It was like a movie, the boy frolicking in the field with his new best friend.  He's been obsessed ever since, running around with Vera, singing her to sleep, and reading her a bedtime story.  It's pretty awesome, and I think of how tender hearted animals train you to be, and it makes me happy to know the kids feel that too.  So far things haven't been too bad, besides Riggs not wanting anything to do with her, but that we predicted.    

Coming back to this side of the mountains we let out a sigh of relief.  I had a pile of work waiting for me, but something about being over here just clears the vision a bit.  Once we hit the river valley heading North through the Okanogan, I'm pretty sure we have ridiculous smiles on our faces.  This afternoon, Kendyl was feeling a whole lot better so we took the pup on a little walk.  Wild turkeys have been in the area and Cam has been wanting to spread some bird seed to keep them on our property a bit longer, so the 6 of us set out.  We found some good sign of turkey action, and scattered a good bucket full of seed, so maybe we will be able to lay our eyes on some nice fat birds.  I did see a ring-neck pheasant on my morning commute today, and I took it as a sign of good luck.

Tomorrow will be a 12 hour clinical day for me, then Cam will head out when I get home.  My folks are heading over to give me a hand and get a visit in before the turnaround starts for my dad.  I'm excited for them to see how spring has taken over this area, and of course to see the new little one.  As always days are packed to the brim, but we are holding tight to those things that make us smile.


Work Work All Week Long

Sometimes Life Must Be Pondered I've had a hard time being motivated to write lately.  I know everyone enjoys our homesteading tales...